About me / Carole Maleh
Key points at a glance
Since 1997 my main focus of consulting has been on advising management and executives with personnel responsibility in large and medium-sized companies on how to overcome complex challenges together with the entire workforce. Controlling and implementing these extensive change processes plays a central role in a consultancy contract.
The goal of the consultation is to generate swift and above all stakeholder-accepted change measures. Whether 200 or 20,000 employees, it is always a question of implementing changes simultaneously across all the necessary areas and levels with all the affected employees, managers and other stakeholders.
The predominant focus areas of my consulting contracts are strategy development, reorganization, process and structure adaptation as well as corporate culture development. These focus areas in particular require companies to act at different levels and to take into account a wide range of interrelated aspects. It is precisely due to this complexity that it is important to integrate different stakeholder perspectives in order to develop and ultimately implement solutions.
As an author, I share my experience and expertise through various books, articles on the subject of large group conferences and change management consulting as well as my own blog. Managers and internal consultants in personnel and organizational development as well as in strategy and business development should have the opportunity to learn about the possibilities of motivating large numbers of people for change.
It was clear from the beginning of my consultancy work in 1997 that Large Group Conference Methods are necessary if the complexity of a particular challenge is to be understood and quick action is to be taken – across all levels and relevant areas or even with the entire workforce. Instruments are then needed to set many people into motion and give them responsibility at the same time.
Process, approach & philosophy
I deliver the structure and an external viewpoint, but not the results. I guide you and your company unerringly through the change process, design the measures and implement them. I advise you on the procedure and convey process and method expertise to your employees in a targeted manner. You will know how far the process has progressed at all times and which goals have already been achieved. However, it is your company that provides the information necessary for the changes and develops solutions.
We will work closely together – you as the client, the steering team and myself as the external consultant. This combination is critical in leading the change measures to the desired result. As the client, you constantly check the framework and objectives of the changes, while the steering team optimally adapts the measures, methodology and approach in the change process to the situation and culture in the company. I provide you with the structure for each process step and supplement it with my external perspective.
I say no if the essential prerequisites for a successful change process are not present. In such a case, I would refuse to accept the consultancy contract.
Large group conferences: No other instrument can develop sound results more quickly and engage more people with change measures than a large group conference. They are therefore often the highlight of a consultancy contract.
Clear, structured and focused in the consulting process. Sometimes several thousand people may rely on the fact that the change measures are sensible, targeted and have the desired effect. My clear, structured and focused approach, combined with open communication during the consultation, are the most important qualities that clients appreciate about me as an external consultant.
“Internal” instead of long-term external consultants: I have been very successfully using “internal” consultants for many years instead of deploying an army of external consultants in order to implement change measures in the company. I convey process and methodological knowledge to selected employees and managers from the outset of the consultancy contract, which enables them to implement the measures themselves in the long term without external support.
Career stages
2013 – today
Company Director
Carole Maleh Change Consultant
2000 – today
Author on large group conference methods
Beltz Publishing Group
1997 – today
Company Director
cama Institute for Communication Development
1993 – 1998
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Law, Berlin
Focus: Economics and Marketing
1990 – 1993
Industrial clerk
DeTeWe (Berlin)
My story – my vision
I am fascinated by movement, complex situations and working with lots of people. It is therefore not surprising that I was won over from the very first moment I discovered that there are methods of working with an entire workforce to move a company forward, including the so-called large group conference method.